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Yellow fever is a serious viral infection, transmitted by mosquitoes in tropical regions. It has both an urban cycle and a jungle cycle that relies on monkeys as carriers ('sylvatic cycle'). In mild cases the symptoms are similar to influenza, but serious cases develop a high temperature and may have a series of after effects, such as internal bleeding, kidney failure and meningitis. A classic feature of yellow fever is hepatitis, which is the reason for the yellow colouring of the skin (jaundice) and the name of the disease.

In the actual full-blown disease there is: high fever, generalised symptoms like violent headache, muscular pain, upset stomach and loss of fluid.

The fever dies down after three to four days and the general condition improves. However, in about 15 per cent of cases the fever returns within 24 hours and a dangerous situation develops.

Homeopathic Medicines & Treatment for Yellow Fever

#Aconite. [Acon]
Nearly all authorities praise this remedy in the early stage of yellow fever where there is high fever, chilliness and dry skin, bounding pulse and the characteristic mental accompaniments which are quite likely to be present in this disease. It will speedily calm the febrile storm in these conditions.

#Gelsemium [Gels]
Is a remedy for the onset when the patient is apathetic and dull, and Belladonna or Bryonia may also come in during the first stage. Very often, too, Camphora with its coldness and tendency to collapse may be the remedy. The vomiting of the first stage is often controlled by Ipecac.

#Arsenicum. [Ars]
This remedy come in most frequently in the second and third stages, and is one of the most important remedies in the disease. The patient has continued nausea and vomiting, and the vomited matter consist of bile or mucosities filled with blackish or sanguinolent streaks; the face is yellow and the pulse is small, weak and tremulous. There is much burning in the praecordial region and intense burning thirst, but, of course for small quantities of water only. No better remedy for these symptoms is to be found than Arsenicum. It sill often alone suffice to cure.

#Lachesis. [Lach]
This remedy has given very satisfactory results in yellow fever, especially when vomiting is present, abdominal tenderness, brown tongue, delirium, slow speech, nausea, offensive discharges and black urine. It corresponds to nerve-poisoning and suits bad looking cases.

#Sulphuric acid [Sul-ac]
Is a useful remedy for haemorrhages of black blood, profuse sweat with exhaustion, foetid stools and diminished secretion of urine.

#Argentum nitricum [Arg-n]
Is also one of the best remedies in the disease. It covers the vomiting; especially is it of use when the patient sinks and the vomiting become worse.

#Phosphorous [Phos]
Phosphorous with its haemorrhages; jaundice and other symptoms is a close simile to certain forms; it was successfully used in an epidemic occurring in Rio de Janerio.

#Crotalus. [Crot-h]
This remedy produces a perfect picture of yellow fever, and it corresponds to the stage of black vomit and blood poisoning- there is a low delirium, yellow skin and oozing of blood from every orifice of the body, even bloody sweat is sometimes present. The yellow skin produced by this remedy is characteristic, and denotes blood poisoning rather than jaundice. Cadmium sulphate has also the symptoms of black vomit, and its study in the disease is suggested.

#Carbo vegetabilis. [Carb-v]
This remedy has been considered as a preventive of yellow fever. Hering says this remedy more than any other drug corresponds in the totality of its action to yellow fever. It suits the third stage where collapse, coldness, extremely foetid discharge and great exhaustion of the vital forces are present.

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Medicine Of The Day

Latin Name:
Ephedra Vulgaris

Common Name:
Teamsters' Tea

A homeopathic ingredient that favorably influences fatigue and the stiffness of neck and joints associated with stress.

Health Tip of the Day

Eating meat is harmful as it does not contain any fibre which is required to eject out the unused portion of the food. Vegetables and fruits are ideal sources of fibre.

Health Quote of the Day

To cease smoking is the easiest thing I ever did. I ought to know because I've done it a thousand times."
- Mark Twain

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