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Homeopathic Home » Student's Corner » Introduction


Homeopathic Medical Science is officially recognised by the Government of Pakistan and is practised throughout the country. The courses of studies are extended over a period of 4 years. On passing the final Examination, the Diploma in Homeopathic Medical System (D.H.M.S) is awarded to the successful students by the National Council for Homeopathy, under the Ministry of Health, Government of Pakistan. They are then registered as Homeopathic Medical practitioners by the Council which gives them the right to practice Homeopathy as Homeopathic Doctors any where in the country. Homeopathic Dispensaries and Hospitals are now being established on the Government level as well.

Prerequisites and Procedures for Admission

Minimum Qualification
Matriculation with Science or an equivalent qualification. Preference will be given to students having intermediate or higher qualification with science and will be exempted from any of the Pre-medical courses of study. The students with General Group are also eligible for admission. They will have to appear in two additional Subjects i.e.

1. Physics + Chemistry and
2. Biology

Application for admission should be submitted on the prescribed forms in coleges. The application should be accompanied with the following documents
The following photo copies of documents required duly attested. Original Certificates shall be produced before the admission committee.
Photographs Passport size 5 Nos.
Photograph of 1x1 inch 4 Nos.
Matriculation SSC \Part II Certificate) 2 Nos.
Intermediate (Sc/Art/Com) Certificate Mark Sheet 2 Nos.
Copy of any other academic qualification 2 Nos.
National ID Card 2 Nos.

The candidates are further required to fill in the Registration form of the National Council for Homeopathy, Government of pakistan.

Attendance at lectures and practicals is compulsory for all students. No student shall be eligible to appear in the Annual D.H.M.S Examination unless he or she obtained 75% of attendance.
All the candidates are required to obtain attendance certificate from their respective teachers and office.
Shortage in attendance upto 5% may be condoned by the Principal for bonafied reasons. Another 10% of shortage may be condoned by the college in special cases, but no student whose attendance falls below the limit prescribed by the National Council for Homeopathy, Government of Pakistan shall be allowed to appearin the examination.
Attendance will be count from the date a student joins the collegetill last working day of the session.

College Session
The college session usually starts from July each year. The timings for morning, Evening shifts and date of admission will be notified through press and on the college notice boards, as per directive of the National Council for Homeopathy, Government of Pakistan.

Vacations and Holidays
Apart from the gazetted holidays, the Colleges shall observe the holidays which are announced from time to time by the National Council for Homeopathy. The Annual vacations will be declared by the college Managements as per announcements of the Council.

The students are required to appear in all the Tests and Home Examination which are conducted by the college.
The Annual Examination are conducted by the National Council For Homeopathy, Government of Pakistan
And are usually held in the month of April each year. However, the exact dates shall be announced by the said Council.
It is compulsory for all students to appear in these examinations. Failure to pass these examinations will bar the students from appearing in the NCH Examination

Practical Training
The Hospital in the college premises provides practical training to the students in Case taking, Diagnosis and prescription.

All colleges providee facilities for practical in Anatomy, Homeopathic Pharmacy, Physiology and Pathology. It is essentiial for all students to undergo practical training in order thath may be allowed to appear in the NCH Annual Examination.

Each college maintains a Library. If functions during the college hours. The Library has professional books to provide the required depth of knowledge in each subject.

Homeopathic First Aid Kit

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Medicine Of The Day

Latin Name:
Mercurius Solubilis

Common Name:
quicksilver, mercury

Used for burning discarges, mouth and sore throat, gingivitis, bad breath, tonsilitis, throat ulcers, spasmodic coughs, fever, inflammed glands, headache, joint pain, and earache with foul smelling discharge. Also used for chronic conjunctivitis, watery eyes, nasal allergies, external blisters. Symptoms worsen in hot, damp conditions (Lockie 62).

Health Tip of the Day

Cook books and diet books sell the most in any bookshop. The former tell you how to prepare tasty food while the latter tell you how not to eat any of it.

Health Quote of the Day

He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything."
- Arabian Proverb

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