SURGICAL SHOCK, Postoperative
A type of shock that occurs as a result of a surgical
Shock is a medical emergency in which the organs and tissues of
the body are not receiving an adequate flow of blood. This deprives
the organs and tissues of oxygen (carried in the blood) and allows
the buildup of waste products. Shock can result in serious damage
or even death.
Shock is caused by three major categories of problems: cardiogenic
(meaning problems associated with the heart's functioning); hypovolemic
(meaning that the total volume of blood available to circulate is
low); and septic shock (caused by overwhelming infection, usually
by bacteria).
Homeopathic Medicines & Treatment for Shock During & After
Surgery, Post operative Shock, Surgical Shock
#Veratrum album [Verat]
pictures a typical case of surgical shock, the sudden prostration,
a sudden change coming over the patient. Cold sweat, body cold,
especially extremities, pallor, features distorted, relaxation complete;
also some tetanic spasms. The breathing is shallow, almost imperceptible,
yet there is a physical restlessness. It is a remedy employed by
our best surgeons. Dr. Mitchell, of Chicago, said of it that it
stimulates the heart quite as promptly as a hypodermic of strychnia.
It must not be given too low; it is dangerous to use it in these
conditions lower than the 3X.
Like Veratrum this remedy produces sudden prostration, coldness
and feeble pulse, the surface is cold and clammy, but there is a
tendency to a cyanosed condition or blueness of the skin and lips.
The shock seems even more profound than that of Veratrum, the breath
is cold, the pulse rapid, tongue and lips tremble and the patient
seems on the brink of dissolution. Respiration is slow and sighing.
The countenance is hippocratic, the tip of the nose and cheek bones
are cold. There is burning internally after operation and the blood
pressure low Camphora IX is well indicated. It precedes Veratrum
album. Arsenicum has burning and would suit well the erythistic
type of shock with its anguish and restlessness. Digitalis. Slow,
irregular, weak pulse, patient bluish-pale, sinking at epigastrium.
#Carbo vegetables [Carb-v]
is suitable to collapsed conditions of the most intense and desperate
character. A stupor is produced hardly yielding to stimulants. It
is even more of a cyanotic condition than that of Camphora. The
circulation seems to be arrested and stagnant, the pulse is scarcely
perceptible and the breathing is rattling. It is all the more indicated
when the shock results from the loss of blood or in debilitated
patients where depletion causes the causes the shock rather than
a nervous condition. Cinchona is similar in this latter condition,
but there is some nervous agitation with this remedy and an anxious
manner. Arnica. Traumatic shock, nausea, pains, pulse slow and weak,
and patient in a stupor or unconscious.
#Opium [Op]
Here we have almost complete insensibility, patient relapses into
a stupor, blue, livid face, loud breathing, slowing cerebral pressure;
the pulse, the respiration and the coldness will distinguish Camphora
here. Hypericum where the shock is due to pain, especially to injuries
of parts rich in nerves. |