SMALLPOX & Like Eruptions
Smallpox (also known by the Latin names Variola
or Variola vera) is a highly contagious disease unique to humans.
It is caused by two virus variants called Variola major and Variola
minor. V. major is the more deadly form, with a typical mortality
of 20-40 percent of those infected. The other type, V. minor, only
kills 1% of its victims. Many survivors are left blind in one or
both eyes from corneal ulceration, and persistent skin scarring
- pockmarks - is nearly universal. Smallpox was responsible for
an estimated 300-500 million deaths in the 20th century. As recently
as 1967, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that 15 million
people contracted the disease and that two million died in that
After successful vaccination campaigns, the WHO in 1980
declared the eradication of smallpox. Because of these
efforts, not one documented naturally occurring case of this once
high-mortality infection has occurred since October 26, 1977.
Homeopathic Medicines for Smallpox & Smallpox like Eruptions
#Aconite. [Acon]
Sudden rise of temperature with high fever, thirst and restlessness
are the chief indications for Aconite. Many confess to disappointment
in the use of this remedy, and prefer Gelsemium in the initial stage,
and indeed its pathogenesis more often corresponds to the trouble
than that of Aconite. The aching in the back and limbs and the tight
band headache of the disease are found under Gelsemium, and if dullness
and apathy be present it is all the more indicated. Belladonna suits
the congestive type, with the severe headache, backache and purplish
face, a type often seen in young children. Hughes agrees with Baehr
that Belladonna is more homoeopathic to the initial fever than Aconite.
Veratrum viride may be called for in cases where the head is hot,
and the extremities are cool and cyanotic; backache, fever and perspiration.
#Bryonia [Bry]
is also a first stage remedy; it has nausea, vomiting, severe headache,
high temperature. The eruption is slow in coming to the surface
and all the symptoms are worse by motion. It suits especially negroes.
Cimicifuga, according to one observer, serves well in the intense
backache and rheumatic pains. The body feels sore, the bed feels
hard, the muscles feeling as though they had been pounded. Rhus
has similar symptoms, restlessness, headache, and it is a useful
remedy at the commencement of vesication, when the vesicles are
small, and also when the pustules turn black from effusion therein,
and diarrhoea and dark bloody stools accompany. Much itching and
swelling will call for Apis.
#Antimonium tartaricum [Ant-t]
is a nearer simillimum to smallpox than any other remedy in the
Materia Medica. Rokitansky proved the similarity of the smallpox
pustule to those produced by Tartar emetic. Hughes recognizes it
almost as a routine agent. With this remedy vesication and pustulation
are marked. The mucous membranes are involved and bronchitis or
broncho-pnuemonia are apt to be present, with the charateristic
cough and expectoration symptoms. There are excruciating pains in
the loins. It is especially adaptable to cases characterized by
gastric irrtation. It exercises a real abortive control over the
variolous process and frequently covers the case from first to last.
#Thuja. [Thuj]
Boenninghausen employed this remedy with success and believed it
to be the best curative and preventive agent in smallpox. It suits
especially the eruptive stage, with milky, flat, painful pustules
upon a dark inflamed area. The pustulation is offensive. The remedy
suits especially strumous and sycotic children. Hartmann recommended
Sulphur as a preventive and curative. It belongs not only to the
suppurative stage, but also to metastatic brain symptoms. Dr.Garth
Wilkinson considered Hydrastis as much of a specific in variola
as Belladonna is in scarlet fever. Variolinum 30th has been lauded
by some observers as being specially useful at the stage where the
vesicles change into pustules. Dr. Bishop, of Los Angeles, believes
this remedy all sufficient in all cases. It quickly removes all
dangerous symptoms, dries up the vesicles and prevents all scars.
Dr. Zopfy mentions only Variolinum and Hepar in the disease. Arndt
recommends it in the 6X and 12X triturations. Vaccinum 30 has been
extensively used and with much benefit.
#Arsenicum. [Ars]
In unfavorable and haemorrhagic cases where there is much weakness,
a burning heat, restlessness and irregularly developed eruption,
the pustules become flat, livid, dusky and haemorrhagic, Arsenicum
may be the remedy. Diarrhoea is an attendant symptom. This, together
with other Arsenicum symptoms, will make the choice easy. Lachesis,
Crotalus and Baptisia will also be remedies to suggest themselves
by typhoid and haemorrhagic symptoms. Dr. E. Williams reports of
its favorable action in an epidemic occurring in England in 1872.
Hamamelis will also be found serviceable at times in the haemorrhagic
variety. Anacardium. An eruption similar to variola is produced
by Anacardium, and it often becomes useful in loss of memory as
a sequel of smallpox. Sarracenia purpurea has also achieved considerable
reputation in the treatment of smallpox. |