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Eczema, Allergic Dermatitis, Uriticaria, Skin Allergy, Psoriasis, Herpes etc.

Note. Skin affections ares merely local manifestations of some constitutional affection. They represent the effort of nature to get rid of some poison in the system, congenital or acquired, which effort should not be suppressed but abetted. The indications for our remedies will not only aid in this by correction of the soil, but also avoid the dangers of suppression by external applications.

Homeopathic Medicines & Treatment for Eczema, Allergic Dermatitis, Uriticaria, Skin Allergy, Psoriasis, Herpes etc.

#Graphites. [Graph]
our great remedy for all sorts of skin diseases, no doubt often mis-prescribed, and hence frequently disappoints. The symptoms calling for it are very clear; there are moist scabby eruptions on the scalp, face, bends of joints, between fingers and behind the ears. The corners of the mouth and eyes are cracked, bleeding and oozing a gluey, honey-like, thick, tenacious discharge, a fissured eczema is the type. Great itching always accompanies the eruption. The skin may be dry and horny. The hair is dry and falls out. Lycopodium. Dry scaly eruptions. Calcarea carbonica. Eczema on scalp which extends to face. Crusts are white, and on awakening, in the morning especially, the child will scratch furiously.

#Arsenicum. [Ars]
A useful remedy in all cases of skin troubles when the skin is thickened, such as in chronic eczema, psoriasis and chronic urticaria. The sensations are itching, burning and swelling, it also has papules, nettle rash and pimples. Burning sensitive ulcers with offensive discharges. It is almost a specific for hives from shell fish, which itch and burn, and for repercussed hives. Pustules form into scabs. Pellagra may find its simillimum in Arsenicum. Bovista. Baker's and grocer's itch, and eruption on the back of the hands. It is also recommended in pellagra, also phosphorus and Argentum nitricum. Sepia. Dry desquamation. Ringworm. Rhus. Vesicles on an erysipelatous base. Clematis. Rawness, worse washing, moist eruption.

#Sulphur. [Sulph]
The great characteristic of this remedy is the aggravation from washing; this, with scratching, makes the parts burn intensely. The skin is rough, coarse and measly, and there is much soreness in the folds of the skin and a tendency to pustular eruptions. Dryness and heat of scalp, with intense itching, especially at night, and scratching causes soreness; wetting makes it burn. Eczema erythematosum. Eruption of yellow crusts. Eruption at the margin of the hair. Dearborn says Sulphur 6 will cure more pruritus than any other drug. It is our great antiseptic. Selenium. Itching in folds of skin and about ankle joints. Hair falls out with eczematous eruptions. Antimonium crudum. Thick callosities on the skin. Deficient growth of nails. Honey colored crusts on heads of children; cracking in the nostrils and corners of mouth. Antimonium tartaricum. Variola. Impetigo of scrotum. Thuja. Warts and eczema following vaccination. Also an excellent remedy in the higher potencies for acne facialis. Natrum muriaticum. Dry scaly or herpetic eruption of little water blisters in bends of joints, hydroa labialis, fever blisters. Moist eczema without much itching. The Natrum muriaticum patient continually suffers from "hang nails." (Hepar, Rhus, Natrum muriaticum, Arsenicum, cold sores.) Herpes circinatus. Eczema, with thick scabs oozing pus. Urticaria, with itching about the joints when occurring, with intermittent fever worse at seashore. Kreosote. Eruptions on the extensor surfaces of joints. Berberis aquifolia. Scaly pustular eruptions on the face. It is one of the most reliable remedies in the cure of psoriasis. Hydrocotyle. Great dryness and desquamation of the epidermis. Acne rosacea. Its special field is in psoriasis and Dearborn praises it in leprosy. The writer cured a case of inveterate psoriasis universale with this remedy. Dr. H.V. Halbert, of Chicago, considered Thyroidine in the 3X or 30X potency as worthy a trial in psoriasis. He reports excellent results from its use. Indications are a dry and impoverished skin, cold hands and feet. Psoriasis is a pregrowth symptom of cancer. The condition of the skin should always be noted, being the great organ of elimination of poisons. Borax was considered by Dr. McClatchey as curative of many cases of psoriasis, and indeed it corresponds to many symptoms of this disease. Petroleum. Pictures pure eczema with its thick scabs, oozing pus and rhagades; the skin is harsh and dry, the finger tips crack and the hands chap. It is especially suitable to eczema behind the ears. Use the 12X potency.

#Mezereum. [Mez]
Baehr considers this remedy the best one in crust lactea. There is great itching, which is worse when the patient is warm or wrapped up. There are small vesicles with terrible itching, and the great characteristic is that the secretion dries quickly, producing scabs from beneath which an acrid thick pus oozes. Crusts and itching are the features. Herpes zoster, with neuralgic pains along the nerves. Nux juglans. Tinea favosa on scalp, behind ears, itching worse at night, preventing sleep.

#Rhus toxicodendron. [Rhus-t]
Vesicular eruption characterizes Rhus, so it becomes a remedy in herpes, eczema, pemphigus and prurigo. It is useful in right-sided zoster with extensive vesication and perhaps accompanied with rheumatic pains. The skin is covered with numerous vesicles, there is great itching and tingling, the skin is often swollen and oedematous and these vesicles have a red areola around them. the symptoms are all worse at night, in damp weather and in winter. Rapid vesication and angry-looking skin are characteristics. Apis. More burning and stinging and more oedema. Cantharis. Large blisters with smarting and burning. Croton tiglium. Small blisters with much itching. Hughes says that Croton relieves the itching of eczema rapidly and permanently. Anacardium. Small blisters with an umbilicated center. The eruption itches excessively and burns. The remedy has been used successfully in Rhus poisoning. Dolichos. Itching without eruption. the writer has a number of times verified this symptom. It will sometimes control diabetic itching, and it is especially useful in senile pruritus. Worse at night. Worse across the shoulders. Fagopyrum. Itching worse by scratching. With here and there red blotches which are sore. The hairy portions of the body itch more.

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Medicine Of The Day

Latin Name:
Gelsemium Sempervirens

Common Name:
Carolina jasmine, yellow jasmine, false jasmine

Used for anxiety, flu, headaches, nervous disorders, pain in the uterus, and painful menstruation. It is also used for sore throat, earache, muscle spasms, fears and phobias, paralysis, dizziness and insomnia. Symptoms often worsen in cold, damp weather, emotional excitement or anticipation (Lockie 99, Jonas 259).

Health Tip of the Day

3,500 calories equal about one pound of fat. To work off that amount requires some fifteen minutes of continuous exercise.

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To get rich never risk your health. For it is the truth that health is the wealth of wealth."
- Richard Baker

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