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(See also Abscess)

Septicemia is a potentially life-threatening infection in which large amounts of bacteria are present in the blood. It is commonly referred to as blood poisoning.

Septicemia usually arises as a result of localised infection in the body. The primary site of infection may occur in the respiratory system, the skin, the gastrointestinal system or the genitourinary system. It may coincide with very aggressive infections such as meningitis.

Bacteria usually spill over from the primary infection site into the blood and are carried throughout the body thereby spreading infection to various systems of the body.


The affected person may have symptoms of the associated condition that triggered the septicemia such as symptoms of pneumonia or severe urinary infection.

The condition usually begins with fever and chills. Drenching sweats may occur. The heart rate and respiratory rate (number of breaths per minute) rise in association with the rising fever. The affected individual will feel very ill indeed with profound feelings of weakness.

As the condition evolves the person may begin to feel very cold and clammy. The blood pressure starts to fall and the person may lapse into unconsciousness.

The skin becomes very pale and the person may exhibit petechiae. Petechiae are tiny spots on the skin, which do not blanch when a glass tumbler is applied to the skin.

Homeopathic Medicines & Treatment for SEPTICEMIA

#Lachesis. [Lach]
This remedy does its best work in localized pyaemia, traumatic gangdrene, and carbuncles. The indications are blue skin, sensitive parts, great prostration and scanty discharges. It has the prostration of Arsenicum but lacks its restlessness.

#Rhus toxicodendron. [Rhus-t]
Produces a perfect picture of septicaemia, with redness and soreness at the point of infection. Chilliness, dry tongue, diarrhoea, restlessness.

#Echinacea. [Echi]
Pyaemia, dull aching in head and extremities. Infections spreading from uterus, tympanitis, sesnsitive abdomen, foul discharges. It seems to overcome to toxaemia of absorption.

#Carbolic acid. [Carb-c]
This, internally, is a neglected remedy in septicemia. Prostration, exhaustion to the point of collapse are indications. The patient falls asleep from weariness and wakens unrefreshed.

#Arnica. [Arn]
Anaemia and pyaemia, sore bruised sensations, loose stools, foul odors. Baptisia offensive exudates, is antistreptococcic, Arnica, quiet, mental restlessness. Arsenicum. A frequently indicated remedy in septic conditions. Restlessness, anguish,local and general burning, vomiting and prostration. Pyrogen has a good clinical record. We cannot give its special indications, it is evidently a "mixed vaccine."Boericke speaks well of both Streptoccin and Staphyloccin as to be compared with this remedy.

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Medicine Of The Day

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A homeopathic ingredient that relieves the pain experienced immediately after bowel movements. Influences the urgent need to evacuate, as well as the swelling of hemorrhoidal tissue.

Health Tip of the Day

Heavy, oily foods, nuts and dry fruits, sweets and cold drinks, all increase the cholesterol and fat level of the body. Avoid them as far as possible.

Health Quote of the Day

Preserving the health by too strict a regimen is a worrisome malady."
- Francois Duc de la Rochefoucauld

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