Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) / Atypical Pneumonia
What is SARS?
SARS stands for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.
The illness is an acute respiratory infection of unknown cause.
The main symptoms of SARS are high fever (> 38 degrees Celsius),
dry cough, and shortness of breath or breathing difficulties. Changes
in chest x-rays indicative of pneumonia also occur. SARS may be
associated with other symptoms, including headache, muscular stiffness,
and loss of appetite, malaise, confusion, rash and diarrhea. Death
occurs in some cases due to respiratory failure.
What is the cause of SARS?
A new form of virus is being implicated in the recent outbreak
of atypical pneumonia. The current studies show that the virus is
either a paramyxovirus or a coronavirus-like virus.
Homeopathy Treatment of SARS
Considering the limitation of conventional medicine in treatment
of viral disorders and the lack of any effective treatment for SARS
patients in the conventional medicine, it is necessary that other
alternative systems be used to combat this condition. Homeopathy
with its vast range of medicines (>3000) can prove to be very
effective against this atypical pneumonia. In this spirit an analytical
study has been made for the relative effectiveness of Homeopathy
medicines in this condition.
The information about the recent outbreak of SARS has been closely
studied and the signs and symptoms have been analyzed to find out
the group of remedies that can prove most effective against this
form of pneumonia. The medicines for each stage are given in the
order of importance. The details of this analysis are as follows:
Prophylaxis - The medicine
that can prove to be a prophylactic in this pneumonia is Chelidonium
majus. This medicine can be taken by people working closely
with SARS patients like doctors, nurses, relatives and colleagues
of known patients.
First Stage - The medicines
that can help most of the SARS cases in the initial phase are Aconitum
napellus, Arsenic album, and Belladona. Of these,
Aconite will prove most important in aborting the disease when given
at the onset of flu-like symptoms. This medicine should be given
as soon as one experiences flu-like symptoms.
Second Stage - When the symptoms
of pneumonia are well apparent, then the medicines that can prove
to be of maximum value in current outbreak are Natrum sulphuricum, Phosphorus, Chelidonium, and Bryonia alba.
Third Stage - If the patient
is terminally ill with threatened respiratory failure, the medicines
that can help to save many lives are Crotalus horridus, Lachesis, Ailanthus glandulosa, and Muriatic acid.
Dosage and Repetition - Considering the severity and rapidity
of illness lower potencies (6c, 12c, 30c) are recommended. The medicines
should be repeated at short intervals (1/2 to 2 hrs)
Patient Management
Patients should be placed in an isolation unit. Strict respiratory
mucusol barrier nursing is recommended. It is very important that
suspected cases are separated from other patients and placed in
their own hospital room.
Health care workers and visitors should wear efficient filter masks,
goggles, aprons, head covers, and gloves when in close contact with
the patient.
Note - The Homeopathy medicines mentioned in this article have
been worked out with theoretical assessment of current information
on SARS. Most of these medicines have known action in cases of pneumonia
but the author does not guarantee a cure. Homeopathy medicines when
taken in low potencies for short duration of time are usually harmless.
Still, it is recommended that you consult your physician/homeopath
before taking any medicine.
References -
Homeopathy Repertory - Kent
Homeopathy Repertory - Boenninghausen
Homeopathy Therapeutics - Ward
Homeopathy Repertory & Materia Medica - Boericke
Homeopathy Repertory - Phatak
US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention
World Health Organisation