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RHEUMATISM, Rheumatoid Arthritis

Homeopathy Medicine for RHEUMATISM, Rheumatoid Arthritis

#Kalmia. [Kalm]
Kalmia is another of the remedies which have wandering rheumatic pains, and it is especially useful in rheumatism affecting the chest, or when rheumatism or gout shifts from the joints to the heart, driven there perhaps by external applications. It also has tearing pains in the legs, without swelling, without fever, but with great weakness, and in this symptom of weakness it resembles colchicum. The pains about the chest in Kalmia cases shoot down into the stomach and abdomen. The muscles of the neck are sore and the back is lames. Hering says that the rheumatism of Kalmia "generally goes from the upper to the lower parts," while Farrington says, "the Kalmia rheumatism, like that of Ledum, almost always travels upwards." At any rate, the rheumatic pains are mostly in the upper parts of the arms and lower parts of the legs; and are worse when going to sleep. Inflammatory rheumatism, shifting from joint to joint, with tendency to attack the heart, high fever, excruciating pains, which, of course, are made worse by motion, will be benefited by Kalmia. In valvular deposits Kalmia and Lithium carbonicum are our foremost drugs. The Rhododendron family, furnishes us another useful rheumatic remedy, besides Ledum and Kalmia, which is Rhododendron itself. Its great keynote is its susceptibility to changes in the weather, "barometer pains,"and its pains, like Rhus, are worse during rest. It is especially adapted to rheumatism of the smaller joints, as we have already seem Ledum to be. Although Kalmia has some action on the smaller joints, it is in a less degree than Ledum or Rhododendron. Dulcamara is a prominent remedy for rheumatism, made worse by sudden changes in the weather, especially when cold and damp.

#Cimicifuga. [Cimic]
Another example of family relationship in rheumatic troubles may be found in the ranunculaceae family. Aconite is often a useful remedy in the first stage of rheumatic fever; it is homoeopathic, not only to the fever, but to the local affections caused by the rheumatic poison. It is in many cases a specific antidote to the whole condition. Dr.Jousset insists upon the efficacy of Aconite tincture in acute rheumatic fever. Pulsatilla we have already seen. Ranunculus bulbosus is especially useful in rheumatism of the muscles of the chest and trunk. There is a great deal of soreness, the muscles have a bruised feeling, and changeable, damp weather aggravates. Cimicifuga is a rheumatic remedy; its chief symptom is great aching in the muscles, and this right in the fleshy part of the muscles, the belly of the muscles rather than the extremities. It is also prone to occur in the large muscles of the trunk rather than the small muscles of the extremities, here resembling Nux vomica. It differs from Rhus by not acting on fibrous structures, being rather a remedy for muscular rheumatism. Rheumatism in the muscles, coming on suddenly and of great severity, worse at night and in wet and windy weather, will find its remedy in Cimicifuga. Actaea spicata, another of the same family, on the contrary, acts on the small joints of the hands and feet; the joints ache and swell while the patient is walking. Under Cimicifuga there is great restlessness, but motion aggravates. Caulophyllum, so similar in many other ways, differs from Cimicifuga in having rheumatism of the metacarpal and phalangeal articulations of the hand.

#Colchicum. [Colch]
Although usually thought of in gout, Colchicum is no mean remedy in rheumatism. It has a special affinity for fibrous tissues, tendons, aponeuroses, ligaments,and periosteum. It has also shifting rheumatism like Kalmia, Pulsatilla, etc., The pains are worse in the evening; the slightest motion aggravates; the patient is irritable; the pain seems unbearable. Sometimes it is useful when the rheumatism attacks the chest, with pains about the heart and a sensation as if the heart were squeezed by a tight bandage. There is great evening aggravation; the joints are swollen and dark red. Colchicum is especially useful for rheumatic affections in debilitated persons those who ares weak-weakness being the characteristic. It is a remedy too, for the smaller joints. As we have already seen,m there are a number of remedies affecting the smaller joints of the hands and feet, such as Actaea spicata, Caulophyllum, Ledum and Rhododendron. And there are ad few more: Benzoic acid has rheumatism of the small joints,gouty nodosities, weeping sinews, cracking in joints, gouty nodosities with great characteristic accompaniment of extremely offensive urine. Ammonium phosphoricum has nodes and concretions in the joints. Lithium carbonicum also has rheumatism of the finger joints, with tendency to heart complications and it must be compared with Kalmia, Ledum and Benzoic acid in this respect; it has rheumatic soreness about the heart; recurring attacks also indicate it. Viola odorata and Ruta have rheumatism of the wrists. It is finally well to remember that Colchicum is rarely indicated early in rheumatism but later when the patient is weak and exhausted, it may do good work.

#Sanguinaria. [Sang]
Sanguinaria inflames muscular tissue, giving a picture of acute muscular rheumatism. The muscles are sore and stiff, with flying erratic pains in them or stitching. The muscles of the back and neck are especially affected by it. The chief field of usefulness of the remedy seems to be in rheumatism affecting the right deltoid muscle. It is described as a rheumatic pain in the right arm and shoulder, worse at night or on turning in bed. It is so severe that the patient cannot raise the arm. Magnesia carbonica is similar in having rheumatism in the right shoulder, rheumatic pains better from warmth and worse in bed. Ferrum has a paralytic tearing pain in the shoulder and muscles of the upper arm so that raising the arm is impossible; but it gradually disappears on gentle motion. Although Farrington says it is especially adapted to the left deltoid muscle, most of the symptoms point to the right shoulder. Nux moschata, however, affects the left deltoid muscle. Ferrum phosphoricum is a very useful remedy in rheumatism of the shoulders, especially the right shoulder. Urtica urens has cured obstinate case of deltoid rheumatism in 10-drop doses of the tincture. It is thought this drug has the power to dissolve deposits of urates in the muscles.

#Phytolacca. [Phyt]
The sphere of Phytolacca seems to be where there is a syphilitic taint. It is particularly useful in pains below the elbows and knees. There is stiffness and lameness of the muscles; the pains seem to fly about, are worse at night and are especially aggravated by damp weather. Rheumatic affections of the sheaths ;of the nerves; periosteal rheumatism or rheumatism of the fibrous tissues often is benefited by Phytolacca. Rheumatism of the shoulder and arms, especially in syphilitic cases, may call for this remedy. It cured a case of right deltoid rheumatism of twenty-seven years'standing.

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Medicine Of The Day

Latin Name:
Ferrum Phosphoricum

Common Name:
iron phosphate

Used for common cold, earaches, fever, nosebleeds, hacking coughs with chest pain, larengitis, headaches, rheumatism, indigestion, and the early stages of dysentery. Also used for women with a short menstrual cycle, pain in the uterus, vaginal dryness, and stress incontinence at night. Those who may require this remedy display nervousness, anxiety, restlessness, and forgetfulness (Lockie 98, Jonas 258).

Health Tip of the Day

Stretch your body to the maximum, standing on your toes, pointing your hands skywards or bending backwards.

Health Quote of the Day

There are three wicks you know to the lamp of a man's life: brain, blood, and breath. Press the brain a little, its light goes out, followed by both the others. Stop the heart a minute, and out go all three of the wicks. Choke the air out of the lungs, and presently the fluid ceases to supply the other centres of flame, and all is soon stagnation, cold, and darkness."
- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

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