Acute & Chronic Pancreatitis
Homeopathic Medicines & Treatment for Pancreatic
Diseases, Pancreatitis
#Iris versicolor. [Iris]
This remedy has a positive effect upon the pancreas, and Dr. Farrington
gives the following symptoms as indicative of the remedy: Burning
distress in the region go the pancreas, with vomiting of a sweetish
water; the saliva has a greasy taste; there is a watery diarrhoea
which contains undigested fat, worse in the morning ; sick headaches
may accompany.
#Iodine. [Iod]
This remedy causes in its action upon the salivary gland an increased
secretion of watery saliva. It also has violent copious vomiting
of a watery or sour substance, has a diarrhoea of copious soft,
watery, foamy stools, which contain fat, and there is a violent
pain in the epigastrium and back. There is great emaciation: the
patient is hungry, eats enormously and yet grows thin; there is
a soapy taste in the mouth and general enlargement of the glands.
#Phosphorus. [Phos]
This remedy will prove valuable in tuberculous patients, where there
are evidences of fatty degeneration of the various organs, especially
of the heart, liver or kidneys. The stools are undigested, containing
particles, of fat the face is pale, yellow, and the patient anaemic.
It is useful, in atrophy of the pancreas with diabetes. Oily looking
stool with particles in the looking like frog spawn or sago, is
#Belladonna. [Bell]
Reil and Buechner class Belladonna among remedies for pancreatic
affections. The later says: "Catarrh of the pancreatic duct
is best met by Belladonna followed by Mercurius." Baehr recommends
Atropine sulphate in pancreatic diseases. Belladonna is the most
efficacious remedy in acute haemorrhagic pancreatitis.