Ovarian Cysts, Ovary Pain
Neuralgia, Ovaritis
Homeopathic Medicines & Treatment for Ovarian
Cysts, Ovary Pain Neuralgia, Ovaritis
#Apis mellifica. [Apis]
Few remedies cause as many ovarian symptoms as Apis. It has an active
congestion of the right ovary going on to ovaritis, with soreness
in the inguinal region, burning, stinging and tumefaction. Ovarian
cysts in their incipiency have been arrested by this remedy; here
one of the indicating features is numbness down the thigh. It has
also proved useful in affections of the left ovary. Tightness of
the chest may also be present, with the occurrence of a reflex cough
and urging to urinate. Mercurius corrosivus. Hughes prefers this
remedy in ovarian neuralgia. Peritoneal complications also indicate
it. Bovista has also cured ovarian tumors.
#Belladonna. [Bell]
As this remedy is one particularly adapted to glandular growths
it is especially useful in acute ovaritis, and more so if the peritoneum
be involved. The pains are clutching and throbbing, worse on the
right side, the slightest jar is painful, and the patient is extremely
sensitive. The symptoms appear suddenly; flushed face and other
Belladonna symptoms are present. Platinum. Ovaries sensitive, burning
pains in them, bearing down, chronic ovarian irritation with sexual
excitement. Much ovarian induration is present. Palladium. Swelling
and induration of right ovary. It lacks the mental symptoms of Platinum,
such as mental egotism and excitement. Aurum. Ovarian induration.
Lilium. Ovarian neuralgias. Burning pains from ovary up into abdomen
and down into thighs, shooting pains from left ovary across the
pubes, or up to the mammary gland. Staphisagria. Very useful in
ovarian irritation in nervous, irritable women. Hypochondriacal
#Lachesis. [Lach]
Pain in left ovary relieved by a discharge from the uterus; can
bear nothing heavy on region. Hughes and Guernsey seem to think
that Lachesis acts even more prominently on the right ovary; others
believe the opposite, the tendency of affections being, however,
to move from the left toward the right side. Suppuration and chronic
enlargements of ovary may call for Lachesis. Zincum. Boring in the
left ovary relieved by the flow, somewhat better from pressure;
fidgety feet. Graphites. Swelling and induration of the left ovary;
also pains in the right ovarian region with delayed scanty menses.
Argentum metallicum. Bruised pain in left ovary and sensation as
if ovary were growing large. Naja. Violent crampy pain in left ovary.
Dr. Hughes valued it in obscure ovarian pains not inflammatory in
#Arsenicum. [Ars]
Burning tensive pains in the ovaries, especially in the right. Ovaritis
relieved by hot applications. Patient thirsty, irritable and restless.
Colocynth. Ovarian colic; griping pains, relieved by bending double;
stitching pains deep in right ovarian region. It is also a useful
remedy,according to Southwick, in ovaritis of left ovary with colicky
pains. A dropsical condition may be present. Hamamelis. Ovaritis
and ovarian neuralgia. Ludlam praises this remedy in the sub-acute
form of gonorrhoeal ovaritis; it allays the pain and averts the
menstrual derangement. Ovaritis after a blow. There is agonizing
soreness all over the abdomen. An external application of hot extract
of Hamamelis acts marvelously in subduing the distress and pain
consequent to ovaritis. Iodine. Congestion or dropsy of the right
ovary. Dwindling of the mammae; dull, pressing, wedge-like pain,
extending from right ovary to uterus like a plug, worse during menstruation.
Thuja. Left-sided ovaritis, with suspicion of veneral taint, calls
for Thuja. Grumbling pains in the ovaries all the time, with mental
irritability, call for Thuja. Podophyllum has a pain in the right
ovary, running down the thigh of that side. Numbness may be an attending
symptom. |