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Homeopathic Medicines & Treatment for Oral Diseases Aphthae, Ulcers, Bleeding Gums, Stomatitis

This is the great remedy in mouth affections. It has aphthous inflammation of the mouth; the mouth is very hot and dry, mucous membrane bleeds easily; the thrush is more often located on the inner surface of the cheeks, although also on tongue and fauces. Child starts up in a fright, throws its arms about, is pale and livid and looks shriveled up: offensive breath, puffy, indented tongue. The mother will notice the hot mouth of the child when it nurses. Helleborus niger. Zopfy recommends this remedy as the one suitable to most cases of aphthae with increase of saliva. Bryonia. Nursing sore mouth, child refuses to nurse until its mouth has been moistened; dryness. Mercurius. Sore mouth with salivation ; tendency to ulcerations of all forms, especially flat and superficial ulcers. There should be an accompanying diarrhoea. The gums are white, spongy and swollen; the saliva is profuse and ropy and the glands about the neck are swollen. Arum. Violent inflammation of the mouth, with soreness and scabs around nostrils, pain and sensitiveness, acute catarrhal stomatitis. Kali chloratum. Hughes recommends this drug highly in simple stomatitis, and seldom requires any other remedy. It corresponds to aphthous and ulcerative stomatitis, with coated white tongue and a tough, stringy, acid saliva.

#Baptisia. [Bapt]
Produces a low adynamic conditions, in which the blood oozes from the gums, which are dark red and offensive ; great foetor, salivation. Gums ulcerated,the tongue is cracked and the mouth is exceedingly offensive. It is also useful in mercurial stomatitis. Mercurial stomatitis in nursing women, or with exhausting diseases, phthisis, Bright's etc. The more offensive the breath, the more indicated; the mucous membrane is in a most unhealthy condition. Hydrastis. One of the best remedies for aphthous stomatitis in the poorly nourished; the membrane is studded with showing teeth imprints. There is also an excessive secretion of thick tenacious mucus; stomatitis materna. Kreasote is quite homoeopathic to some cases of stomatitis according to Hughes.

#Nitric acid. [Nit-ac]
Acrid saliva, pricking, splinter-like pains, aphthae and whitish gums, raw places in the mouth, corners of the mouth excoriated, the gums are unhealthy, bleed easily and have a foul odor. Its mouth symptoms are closely allied to those of Mercurius. Mercurial stomatitis. Muriatic acid. This remedy has deep bluish ulcers in the mouth having dark edges; the mucous membrane is denuded. The salivary glands are swollen and tender.

#Arsenicum. [Ars]
Gangrena oris ; heat in mouth or black sloughing ulcers. The aphthae become livid or bluish and the gums livid and bleeding. It corresponds especially to severe forms of sloughing ulcers and aphthous sore mouth when occurring in exhausting diseases. Salicylic acid. Common canker sores. Lycopodium. Common canker sores near the fraenum. Lachesis, Nitric acid, Phytolacca and Natrum hypochlorosum all have canker sores. Helleborus. Canker with yellowish raised edges. Sulphuric acid. Aphthous sore mouth , with soreness; mouth and tongue covered with blisters, breath offensive and gums are white. Kali phosphoricum 3X is, according to Dr. Luther Peck, of Plymouth, Michigan, a specific in canker sore mouth. Argentum nitricum.Nervous , dyspeptic flatulent persons where there is considerable ulceration. Foetor and ptyalism are also present.

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Medicine Of The Day

Latin Name:
Euphrasia Officinalis

Common Name:

Used for common cold, eye injuries, inflammation of mucous membranes, hayfever, night sweats, watery discharges from nose or eyes. It is also used for intense headaches, constipation, measles, short painful menstruation, in women, inflammation of the prostate gland, in men (Lockie 97, Jonas 258).

Health Tip of the Day

Don't worry! Worry affects blood circulation, heart, glands and the entire nervous system. None dies of overwork, but many do die of worry.

Health Quote of the Day

The poor cows frozeneglected in a blizzardThey dug them upand ate their gizzards."
- O Anna Niemus

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