Note: Homeopathic Treatment requires strict individualization. Please do not take any medicine without consulting your physician/homeopath.
Psychological Disorders
#Anacardium oriental. [Anac]
A most valuable remedy in mental disease, and its guiding characteristic
is the well-known sensation of having two wills, one urging him
on to do what the other forbids. It is a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
remedy. Another characteristic is the irritability of the patient
, with an irresistible desire to swear and curse; this is not from
a low moral of religious education, but from mental disease, usually
a chronic mania. Anacardium has loss of memory, a condition for
which the drug was used long before Homoeopathy established its
scientific basis; again, the patient will imagine that he hears
voices afar off talking to him, or he has a fixed idea that he is
possessed of a devil, that he is double, or a woman will fancy that
her child is not here own. Nitric acid. With this remedy there is
a disposition to swear, the patient often imagining that she has
a devil within her, that her mind and body are separate, or that
her child is not her own. This remedy has also inclination to commit
suicide by shooting. Anacardium is a remedy much used in low melancholic
conditions, and its clinical record is a brilliant one. It is an
excellent palliative in the dementia of old age. Butler sums up
as follows: Antimonium crudum, peevish; Chamomilla, cross; Belladonna,
pulgilistic; Nux vomica, ugly; Anacardium, cussed. In chronic manias
it is more often curative than any other remedy.
#Cimicifuga. [Cimic]
In depressed states this is one of our best remedies. The patient
is weak, depressed, "shrouded in a dark, heavy, mental atmosphere
"; suspicions people and objects appear strange and unnatural,
the brain feels too large. This sensation of a pall of gloom, or
horrible sadness, settling over her is characteristic of the remedy.
It is often expressed as a feeling as if something were about to
happen, or as if they were going crazy. It thus becomes an important
remedy in suicidal melancholia, melancholia of pregnancy in hysterical
, rheumatic and neuralgic subjects, and especially in puerperal
mania. Vision of rats and mice are sometimes seen, and the remedy
has been successfully used in delirium tremens. Calcarea carbonica.
The patient sees objects on closing the eyes which vanish when they
are opened ; like Cimicifuga, it has an apprehensive state of the
mind, the patient fearing she will go crazy , and that people will
observe her. Alumina. Low spirited, apprehensive, fear of going
crazy. Iodine. Fear of going crazy, shuns the doctor , has a dread
of people, fears every occurrence will end seriously. Calcarea phosphorica.
Dementia from masturbation in the young and senile dementia are
often benefited by this remedy. Delirium from drink or uterine troubles
in rheumatic subjects will often suggest Cimicifuga.
#Natrum muriaticum. [Nat-m]
The patient requiring this remedy is melancholic, hypochondriacal,
sad and hopeless about the future, easily angered, in fact, consolation
aggravates. There is emaciation and a prematurely aged look. The
periodic nature of the attacks of the attacks may suggest a malarial
basis. Overheating in the sun as a causal indication is a prominent
symptom. Patient sheds floods of tears. With this remedy there is
a persistent recalling of past unpleasantnesses and grievances.
His memory is poor, conversation disconnected, has hallucinations
of hearing and delusions. It has awkwardness, like Bovista, Lachesis,
Aethusa, Apis, Ignatia and Nux vomica. Pulsatilla. Mild, gentle
and tearful,seeks consolation; not introspective like Ignatia. Natrum
carbonicum. Hypochondriacal, dependent on gastric disturbances.
The patient for whom Natrum muriaticum is suitable is apt to have
unjustifiable antipathy against certain people.
#Sepia. [Sep]
Another melancholic remedy is Sepia, which has dark forebodings
about her disease, weak memory, sense of helplessness and great
susceptibility to excitement, and still more to terror; despair;
she dreads to be alone, wants company, but has an aversion to her
own friends and is indifferent to her household affairs. It is especially
useful in women with leucorrhoea and organic disease of the uterus
or ovaries. Stannum. Low spirited in lung affections---an uncommon
state; a tearful disposition ; fears he will go into a decline.
Thuja. Patient hurried ; trifles make him angry; fixed idea of being
brittle and will not permit anyone to approach, or that she is under
the influence of mesmerists or spiritualists. Soul and body separated.
Music causes weeping and trembling of feet.
#Ignatia. [Ign]
Most cases of melancholia at some period of their treatment require
Ignatia; it suits women better, while Arsenicum and Nux vomica are
more suitable to men. The Ignatia patient is melancholic, given
to sighing, with a tendency to weep. she hides her grief, is introspective,
changeable and silent. It is a remedy full of disappointments, and
jealousy, and is most suitable to complaints arising from fear,
grief, shock, or prolonged brooding over real or imaginary troubles.
They refuse sympathy, but fancy themselves neglected by friends.
The patient has a disposition to brood over her sorrows, has remorse
about imaginary crimes, is intolerant to noise and tends to fixed
ideas. Lasciviousness is a symptom that should not be overlooked.
#Phosphoric acid. [Ph-ac]
This remedy suits conditions of long lasting effects of grief rather
than the acute forms. A great characteristic is indifference, homesickness;
is not irritable, but slow of comprehension ; shows no interest
in anything , a don't care condition. Another characteristic is
failure of memory. Picric acid is a rival of Phosphoric acid in
threatened dementia praecox, with utter prostration, burning in
spine, weakness of legs, pains in back and occiput. Desire to sit
still without taking interest in surrounding things.
#Nux vomica. [Nux-v]
This remedy suits overworked fidgety business men of sedentary habits;
they cannot bear to be opposed, are irritable and irascible, easily
put out, quick to act; those of a fitful temper and where there
is a great disinclination to mental work. In conditions of resistive
melancholia and negativism where the patient resists everything
done for her, with no interest in anything, offensive breath, etc.,
it is often productive of beneficial results. The most disagreeable
of maniacs with "pure cussedness," difficult to manage,
apposed to everything , is the Nux vomica patient. Hypochondriasis
in the sedentary is met well by the remedy. Lycopodium has a torpor
of the mind; the patient is melancholic and hypochondriacal, dependent
mostly on digestive and hepatic troubles. The Nux patient is oversensitive;
every harmless word offends and every little noise frightens. They
are anxious and "besides themselves."
#Cannabis Indica. [cann-i]
This remedy produces marvelous kaleidoscopic visions and illusions
as to time and space; a minute seems thousands of years, and a thing
a short distance off seems yards away. He imagines he is swelling
and his body is becoming large, that he hears numberless bells ringing;
a multitude of images crowd the brain and he feels as if he were
somebody else. Voices come from a great distance and seem to enchant
#Lachesis. [Lach]
The snake poisons all have poisoned minds. With Lachesis there is
great loquacity, the patient jumping from one subject to another;
jealous, fear of being poisoned and refuses both medicine and food.
Has to think how words are spelled. Muttering delirium, with dropping
of the lower jaw and illusions, such as imagining that he is under
some superhuman control or that he is dead. Melancholia at change
of life. Delusion that he is persecuted, worse after sleeping Neurasthenia.
#Agaricus. [Agar]
A menacing frenzy causing patient to assail himself and other. Incoherent
talking, delusions of power and personal importance; a tremulousness
is often present which terrifies the patient. Mania complicated
by chorea.
#Platinum. [Plat]
The proud, egotistical mental state of this remedy is too well known
for comment. The patient has illusions, everything is inferior to
her in body and mind, and she looks down on everybody with contempt.
Objects look smaller or strange, there is indifference, everything
seems too narrow. There is a great dread of death which seems near.
It is a useful remedy in hysterical mania, where things seem horrible,
and all serious thoughts are displeasing. Palladium. Music excites,
constantly getting slighted, is easily offended and scolds continually.
Women with tendency to nymphomania and excitement of the genitalia
indicate well Platinum.
#Baptisia. [Bapt]
This remedy is seldom used in mental affections, its field being
confined to typhoid conditions, where it is indicated by a wandering
of the mind; he is restless and disturbed ; he cannot sleep, and
he thinks he is double and scattered about, and he must move to
get his pieces together again. These are the mental characteristics
of Baptisia, and together with the weakness and other symptoms of
typhoid indicate it in that disease. In dangerous forms of melancholia
with stupor assuming a typhoid condition there is no better remedy.
#Chamomilla. [Cham]
This remedy is of great use in diseases of the mind where there
is over-sensitiveness and a snappish irritability. Children and
adults also, that are especially sensitive to pain, snappish, short
and cannot be civil, consequence of anger. Staphisagria. Trouble
from anger, pride and envy. Colocynth. Colic from anger. Bryonia.
Gastro-enteric symptoms from anger, apathetic, irritable, obstinate
and passionate.
#Arsenicum. [Ars]
Useful for the depressed delirious, fear of death, fear of being
alone, with strong suicidal tendencies. See ghosts and vermin, crawling
on bed. It relieves the tendency in the insane to the mutilation
of the body, picking at the skin until sore, chewing finger nails,etc.
Exhaustive insanity and acute delirious mania with typhoid symptoms
and rapid exhaustion. Acute melancholia and especially melancholia
agitata come within the province of Arsenicum. Restlessness, thirst,
physical exhaustion and midnight aggravation. Silicea. With this
remedy there is an erethism combined with the exhaustion.
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