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Leucorrhoea, Vaginal Discharge

Leucorrhoea or leucorrea, vaginal discharge is a universal problem of all women. Most secretions are regarding life style physiological and warrant no medical interventions. But it is significant if it is blood stained, profuse, foul smelling or with changes in its colour. Usually the normal secretions are slimy and slightly sticky. It is something like nasal secretion. Normally the quantity of vaginal secretions varies throughout the menstrual cycle, peaking at ovulation and also increasing when under emotional stress.


Leucorrhoea usually shows symptoms in association with other illness. Wide variety of reasons are encountered in its causation. Commonly fungal, parasitic, bacterial and sexually transmitted diseases are the prime causative factors.

LEUCORRHEA, VAGINAL DISCHARGE - Homeopathic Treatment & Medicines

#Calcarea carbonica. [Calc]
Indicated by its general symptoms, and these are always the more important in this affection. More prominent of these are morning hunger, acidity of the stomach, cold and damp feet. It corresponds especially to scrofulous persons with enlarged cervical glands. The leucorrhoea is profuse, milky, persistent or yellow and accompanied by itching and burning. It suits leucorrhoea in infants and young girls often recurring before puberty, leucorrhoea before menses or in recurring attacks between the menses. Calcarea phosphorica is a fine remedy in the scrofulous diathesis; it has a profuse milky bland leucorrhoea. Sulphur is another remedy suitable to scrofulous subjects; it has a leucorrhoea which makes the parts sore. It is rather indicated by the general than the local symptoms. Caulophyllum has leucorrhoea in little girls which is very profuse and weakens the child very much. Cimicifuga. Dr. Dyce Brown praises this remedy in leucorrhoea, especially in nervous, neuralgic and hyperaesthetic patients.

#Pulsatilla [Puls]
produces a cures a milky leucorrhoea which becomes watery, acrid and burning from being retained in the vagina. It is a mucous, thick, creamy, white leucorrhoea sometimes replacing menses, with chilliness, disposition to lie down and lowness of spirits. It corresponds to a disposition to leucorrhoea and suits leucorrhoea in chlorotic subjects. Helonin. Southwick recommends this remedy in the 1X or 2X trituration for profuse,yellow, thick leucorrhoea with some irritation and itching. In anaemic sallow patient with much prostration and general debility, worse from slight colds and exertion, it is a most useful remedy.

Cures a leucorrhoea which is yellowish green color, somewhat offensive and often excoriating, due to pelvic congestion of a passive type. It is milky, worse before menses with bearing down; there are pains in the abdomen and pruritus. The patient has a sallow, pimply face, and it is most suitable to those of dark complexion who are feeble and debilitated and who have a sensation of emptiness at the pit of the stomach. It leads all other remedies in leucorrhoea of little girls, though Mercurius pro-iodide should not be forgotten if the discharge be yellow. Lilium tigrinum has an excoriating, watery, yellowish or yellowish brown leucorrhoea, which is profuse and is accompanied by a depression of spirits and bearing down in pelvic region. Hydrastis suits a tenacious,thick, ropy leucorrhoea with erosion of the cervix; a mucous leucorrhoea which is profuse and debilitating corresponds to Hydrastis. Kali bichromicum has a yellow, ropy, stringy leucorrhoea. It is suitable to fat, light-haired persons.

#Kreasote. [Kreos]
Few medicines have the same power in leucorrhoea as Kreasote. It cures a profuse watery, sometimes a yellowish leucorrhoea. The acridity is marked; it causes excoriating of the parts which come in contact with it, causes soreness and smarting and red spots and itching on the vulva, always with great debility; leucorrhoea preceding menses. It is so acrid that it causes the pudenda and thighs to swell and itch. Nitric acid. Highly recommended by Jahr in a corrosive leucorrhoea; it being one of our best remedies, and one too often neglected. In fact, all of our remedies are prone to be neglected in leucorrhoea, and their place taken by far less efficient local applications. Nitric acid suits a greenish, foetid, obstinate leucorrhoea; the presence of fig warts and condylomata will further indicate the remedy. Platinum. Periodical, thin watery leucorrhoea with very sensitive organs. Albuminous leucorrhoea in the daytime. Iodine has an acrid,corrosive leucorrhoea accompanied by right ovarian inflammation.

#Borax [Bor]
suits a clear, copious and albuminous leucorrhoea having an unnatural heat to it. Leucorrhoea midway between menses with great nervousness, white as starch, perfectly bland without pain. Dr. Hughes recommends this remedy in the 2X trituration for a chronic vaginal catarrh, which is sometimes mistaken for uterine leucorrhoea. Graphites cures a leucorrhoea associated with pains in the lower abdomen and weakness of back in pale young girls. It is profuse, very thin, white mucus, occurs in gushes; the menses are delayed, scanty and pale. Leucorrhoea more profuse in morning when rising, especially indicates Graphites.

#Alumina. [Alum]
Leucorrhoea in chlorotic girls which is transparent or of yellow mucus, which is very profuse and ropy, and greatly exhausting, as it is very rich in albumen. It occurs chiefly in the daytime; the great profuseness is its characteristic. It is apt to be acrid. Causticum. Leucorrhoea occurring chiefly at night.

#Mercurius. [Merc]
Acrid excoriating leucorrhoea smarting and burning, swelling of external genital organs. Purulent greenish yellow leucorrhoea worse at night; heat, tenderness and pain involving nabothian glands, form good indication for Mercurius. Scrofulous and syphilitic subjects with yellow and thick leucorrhoea also indicate the remedy.

corresponds to recent or acute attacks of leucorrhoea dependent upon pelvic inflammation and congestion; oftentimes bearing down in pelvis. Thin, odorless, bland leucorrhoea. Sensitive cervix and bearing down pains. Stannum. Profuse bland leucorrhoea, yellowish, with great debility, backache; patients are weakened and sallow.

#Arsenicum. [Ars]
Leucorrohoea from exhausting diseases; cancer, etc. It is best suited to weak persons, old women, especially the chronic form with much weakness; the discharge is acrid, corrosive and yellow. Dictamnus was one of Hahnemann's remedies for leucorrhoea. It is of tenacious mucus, attended with painful erosions of the pudendum and itching of the anus. Secale. Brownish and offensive leucorrhoea, with metrorrhagia, especially in thin scrawny women who suffer from excessive menstruation and prolapsus.

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Medicine Of The Day

Latin Name:
Eupatorium Perfoliatum

Common Name:
boneset, agueweed, thoroughwort

Used for flu, sharp pains, bone pain, fevers with chills, restlessness, and possible cough (Lockie 128-29).

Health Tip of the Day

If your stomach feels bloated, exhale and hold your breath for a few seconds. Repeat 7-8 times . You will feel relieved.

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Life is not living, but living in health."
- Martial

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