Intermittent Fever / Malaria
Intermittent Fever is usually a sign of Malaria
but Fever with Shivering and Chill can also be found in Viral Fevers,
Urinary Tract Infections, Septecemia.
Malaria is a parasitic infection transmitted by the bite of an
infected female Anopheles mosquito. Malaria is caused by protozoan
parasites of the genus Plasmodium. The disease causes fever, chills,
headache and muscle aches.
MALARIA - Homeopathic Treatment & Medicines
#Cinchona. [Cinch]
This remedy is most suitable in epidemic and endemic form of chills
and fever, being of little if any use in the general malarial cachexia.
The paroxysms are irregular and it corresponds more to the tertian
type, if to any. The precursory symptoms to the chill are nervous
excitement, anxiety, headache, nausea and irritability. The chill
is of short duration and it soon becomes mingled with the heat,
and the remedy may be said to be one of the thirstless remedies
in fever, as there is very little, if any, thirst during the chill
and no real thirst during the heat, it being from a desire to moisten
the mouth, rather than to quench the thirst, that the patient may
desire water. During the fever the veins appear enlarged and there
is congestion to the head, redness and heat of face, even though
other parts of the body be chilly. During the chill the patient
sits near the fire and wraps himself up, but the warmth obtained
does no good. During the sweat, however, which is long and profuse,
there is much thirst. Cinchona is seldom of use in inveterate cases,
where the liver and spleen are hypertrophied or where much quinine
has been taken, though a swollen spleen does not contra-indicate
the remedy. The apyrexia is marked with debility, restlessness,
loss of appetite or great hunger, anaemia, gray complexion, congestions,
backache and oedema, scanty urine with brickdust sediment.
#Nux vomica. [Nux-v]
Nux vomica is another remedy not so much indicated in inveterate
cases, but it corresponds to cases where the gastro-bilious symptoms
are prominent, and accompanied by nervous symptoms proceeding from
the spinal cord. The chill is perhaps more commonly quotidian, coming
on in the afternoon and evening . The chill is predominant and starts
with blueness of the fingernails, preceded by aching of the body,
gaping and yawing, there being no special thirst, but a dull frontal
headache and vertigo and nausea, disordered stomach and weakness
of the limbs. There is no relief from covering or from external
heat, and another condition may be an alternation of chills and
heat. Eucalyptus globulus. Also useful in some forms. There are
no characteristic indications. Pulsatilla. Long chill, little heat
and no thirst. Menyanthes. Chill predominates without thirst; icy
coldness of finger tips. Ignatia. Warmth from stove relieves; thirst
only during chill. Lachesis. Desires heat, but no relief therefrom.
A most important remedy after abuse of quinine. Carbo vegetabilis.
Old cases, with coldness of feet.
#Arsenicum. [Ars]
This is one of our most important remedies, and, next to Cinchona,
it is more frequently indicated than any other. The characteristics
are intensity and long duration of paroxysms, especially of the
burning heat, the unquenchable thirst, anxiety and restlessness,
a small, quick pulse and a clean tongue. The cleaner the tongue
in violent paroxysms the more is it indicated. After the attack
there is pallor and exhaustion. It is the sovereign remedy for the
malarial cachexia; it antidotes quinine and its attacks are accompanied
with a high grade of gastric irritability. Hughes and Kippax, however,
do not consider Arsenic as being suited to the typical forms of
intermittent fever, but rather to those types known as typo-malarial
fevers. Other characteristics of Arsenicum are the illy- defined
paroxysms with, perhaps, one of the stages wanting the collapse
of vital power and the marked prostration. The longer the disease
has lasted the more likely will Arsenicum be indicated.
#Natrum muriaticum. [Nat-m]
This is a remedy seldom of use in recent cases corresponding more
to inveterate and badly treated cases. The stages are very unequal,
the chill perhaps being continuous, heat moderate with violent headache,
and perspiration wanting or excessive and debilitating and relieving
the headache. The complexion is yellowish gray and the spleen and
liver are enlarged. Perhaps the most typical case calling for this
remedy would have a chill commencing about ten o'clock in the morning,
beginning in the back and feet with great thirst pains in the bones,
pains in the back,headache, debility, accompanied with shortness
of breath; and especially if fever blisters or hydroa form on the
lips; this is most characteristic. Such patients during the apyerxia
the apyrexia are dejected and apprehensive, have a swallow complexion
and white coated tongue, sleepy in the daytime and sleepless at
night. It especially corresponds to cases where there is a psoric
taint. Capsicum. Chill prevails, intense thirst, drinking causes
an aggravation ; the chill begins in the back; heat applied relieves.
Thirst is waiting during the hot stage.
#Eupatorium perfoliatum. [Eup-per]
The bone pains and the vomiting as the chill passes off are the
chief characteristics of this remedy. There are gastric symptoms
similar to Ipecac; there is muscular soreness all over the body,
and the chill is apt to occur on the morning of one day and in the
evening of the next; it is preceded by thirst and bitter vomiting.
The patient knows the chill is coming on because he cannot drink
enough, the chill commences in the small of the back and is accompanied
with a sense of pressure over the skull cap. Bayes considers this
pressure and weight over the forehead the surest indication for
the remedy. With the heat, the aching increases and the sweat is
inconsiderable or absent. The paroxysms calling for Eupatorium are
irregular in their development. The liver is at fault and there
is a yellow tinge to the complexion. Cedron. Great regularity marks
this remedy, also violent symptoms; headache. It is useful in masked
agues,and the agues of warm and damp, low, marshy regions. Congestion
to the head is a marked symptoms, during apyrexia malaise and debility.
Apis. No thirst, with sweat. According to Wolf, one of the most
important remedies; chill with thirst at 3 or 4 P.M., protracted
cases, nettle rash. Rhus. Chill begins in the thigh and is usually
attended with a dry cough.
#Ipecac. [Ip]
In the milder epidemics where the tertian form predominates, Ipecac
may prove useful. The chill is most marked and the fever is accompanied
with the gastric symptoms, loss of appetite, loathing of food, nausea,
vomiting and diarrhoea. It is often the remedy in the beginning
of intermittents, suiting especially sensitive young patients. The
thirst is wanting or slight during the chill and the chill predominates;
the heat is trifling and the sweat is usually missing , or there
may be a short chill and long fever, and during the paroxysms there
may be a suffocative cough and spasmodic dyspnoea. During the apyrexia
there are many gastric symptoms, sallow skin, headache, nausea and
vomiting. It is the remedy when the case seems all mixed up; a few
doses will often clear the case and lead to the proper remedy.
#Gelsemium. [Gels]
This remedy has no special hepatic; gastric or intestinal disturbances
and it suits especially malarial conditions in children. The chill
runs up the back or starts from the feet. There is a bruised feeling
all over and a characteristic is that the patient wants to be held
during the chill to prevent his shaking. The characteristic time
for the chill is prevent his shaking. The characteristic time for
the chill is about the middle of the day. The heat is attended with
red face. Drowsiness, dizziness and dullness are characteristic
symptoms. Thirst is not marked.
#Chininum sulphuricum. [Chin-s]
This remedy has great periodicity ; chill towards evening with slight
or violent thirst and after the sweat there is much prostration,
great weakness at the epigastrium and debility. It has been found
that the lower potencies act better, such as two-grain doses of
the IX trituration every two hours. During the paroxysm a pain in
the dorsal vertebrae on pressure is a good indication. |