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(Including Post-Operative Conditions.)

Homeopathic Medicines & Treatment for Injuries like fracture, dislocation, bruise, ecchymoses, laceration, cuts, sprains & post-operative complications

#Arnica. [Arn]
Arnica is our great vulnerary, and it is a well-established one in Homoeopathy. It suits particularly injuries to soft parts, such as accompany fractures, dislocations, bruises, ecchymoses, etc. Grauvogl recommended a few doses of Arnica 3 before and after every bloody operation,whether in the domain of surgery, ophthalmology or obstetrics. Indeed its value in obstetrical practice is hardly to be estimated; if given before and after delivery, it will almost infallibly prevent puerperal fever. It has a great power of delaying and preventing suppuration, and it is of special use after operations about the eyes, more particularly after cataract operation. It prevents extensions and mortification of carbuncle. It is of use in injuries of long standing. It prevents pyaemia. In concussion of the brain or spinal cord, in wrenches and haemorrhages from injuries it is our most useful remedy. It should also be given after fractures where the limbs start continually, as it corresponds to the sensitiveness. Its use in crushed finger applied according to the method of Bolle, which consists of wrapping up the finger in the pure tincture and practically sealing it, has been of great use. Von Grauvogl considered Arnica as a pyaemic prophylactic, and R.T. Cooper says that it exerts a specific effect upon septic poisoning. Aconite. Post-operative chills, surgical fever, chill after catheterization. Important to use after operation on the eye. Bellis perennis. Sprains and contusions. Railway spine. It has many symptoms similar to Arnica, but its field seems also to embrace somewhat that of Echinacea for it is an excellent remedy in boils, acne, etc.

#Calendula. [Calc]
This remedy corresponds to ragged wounds with or without loss of substance, accompanied with soreness and pain. It reduces the inflammation and promotes healthy granulations. It is of special use in such injuries as gun-shot wounds. It is an invaluable remedy in gynaecological practice. Dr. Ludlam praises it in laceration about the pelvic organs and in the presence,but to get its best effect it should be applied externally and given internally at the same time; for external use the aqueous solution diluted, one to four or six at least, is to be preferred and used hot. Cold applications of whatever nature should never be applied to wounds. There is no better remedy for lacerated wounds.

#Rhus toxicodendron [Rhus-t]
corresponds especially to injuries of the ligaments; it is probably our best remedy in sprains due to over-exertion. Sprains of single muscles or groups of muscles, from lifting weights, stretching arms up high to reach things call for Rhus. " A sprained joint will recover sooner if given a moderate degree of motion"--(Carleton). Here we have the relief from motion. Conium. Injuries and bruises of glands, especially of the mammary glands. Injuries of the eye. Sulphuric acid. Long-lasting black and blue spots with soreness, occurring in weakened cachectic individuals. Lachesis. Poisoned wounds. Also Apis. Aranea diadema. Haemorrhages after gunshot wounds. Even injuries and strains of the voice in singers and speakers will find an excellent help in Rhus.

#Hypericum. [Hyper]
This remedy holds the same relation to lacerations that Arnica does to contusions; it is called the Arnica of the nerves. In injuries to nerves and parts rich in nerves, as the ends of the fingers and toes, or in open wounds that are exceedingly painful, it is eminently suited. Great nervous depression and loss of blood from lacerated wounds. It may also be applied locally in a lotion one to twenty parts of water. Nails or splinters in feet, slivers under nails, mashing of fingers by hammer, or crushing of toes by letting things fall on them are conditions benefited by Hypericum. It may also be used locally. 1 part of the tincture to 10 drops of hot water. It modifies or arrests sloughing, and it is far more valuable as a soother of pain after surgical operations than morphia. A very useful remedy in injuries to the coccyx during labor. Ascending neuritis after a fracture or any form of traumatic neuritis.

#Ledum. [Led]
Punctured wounds, also wounds of parts where the cellular tissue is wanting. It has proved useful in mosquito bites, bites of insects and stings. It seems to supply the gap left by Arnica, Calendula, Staphisagria and Hypericum. Thus Arnica for contused wounds, Hypericum and Calendula for lacerated wounds, and Staphisagria for incised wounds, while Ledum is most useful for the punctured variety, as from nails,awl, etc. Thus a wound in the head produced by a stab from scissors, and causing convulsions, was cured by Ledum. Coldness during the fever may be a characterizing indication. It has proved useful in severe felons caused by a prick of a needle, and in bites of small animals as rats. Nash remarks that for a "black eye from a blow of the fist no remedy equals Ledum in the 200th potency".

#Ruta. [Ruta]
Old sprains, bruised pains in bones, joints and cartilages, bruised feeling. One of the best remedies both locally and internally in sprains of the ankles and wrists. It is to tendons, bursae and joints what Arnica is to muscles and soft parts. Inflamed ganglia on wrists, strains of tendons with weakness loss of motion and aggravation by change of weather, and by damp weather rare additional indications.

#Symphytum. [Symph]
Injuries to bone, such as a bruises of bones or fractures indicate this remedy. It greatly favors the formation of callus, and always allays the irritability often found at the points of fracture preventing the knitting of the bones. It is also useful in irritable stump after amputation. Periosteal pains. Injuries of globe of eye from snowballs. Injuries from blunt articles thrust into eye. Traumatic injuries to bone and periosteum about orbit call for Symphytum.

#Staphisagria. [Staph]
This remedy suits clean cut wounds and symptoms traceable to surgical operations, especially about the abdomen when colic is a troublesome condition following. Also after lithotomy, wounds from glass, etc., where the pains are excruciating, rending and tearing causing great agony. It is an excellent remedy to use following operations for lacerated cervix.

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Medicine Of The Day

Latin Name:
Ruta Graveolens

Common Name:
rue, bitter herb, herb-of-grace

Used for tendon, bone, and joint pain, strained muscles and tendons, weakness, burning, stinging pains, eye injuries, sciatica, sharp back spasms, ganglion cysts, tennis elbow, eyestrain, and bruises due to falls or blows (Lockie 109, Jonas 263).

Health Tip of the Day

Four ounces of wine or beer, or one of liquor contains 100 calories adding unnecessarily to your weight.

Health Quote of the Day

Hee that goes to bed thirsty riseth healthy."
- George Herbert

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