Note: Homeopathic Treatment requires strict individualization. Please do not take any medicine without consulting your physician/homeopath.
Hay fever (allergic rhinitis or pollinosis), is
an allergy characterized by sneezing, itchy and watery eyes, a runny
nose and a burning sensation of the palate and throat. It is usually
caused by allergies to airborne substances such as dust, moulds,
pollens, animal fur and feathers. It is often aggravated by a food
allergy, the most common being an allergy to milk.
Hay fever is most common in people with a family history of similar
complaints or a personal history of eczema, hives (urticaria), and/or
Homeopathic Medicines & Treatment for HAY
FEVER, Allergic Rhinitis
#Arsenicum. [Ars]
Many symptoms of this remedy corresponds to hay fever; it has a
thin watery discharge from the nose which excoriates the upper lip,
but still the nose is stuffed up. There is much sneezing from irritation
in the nose, but not a particle of relief therefrom; the coryza
is worse after midnight or from a change of weather. Arsenicum iodatum
is mentioned by Hale as a prophylactic and the nearest specific.
Malaria cachexia, glandular enlargements, burning in the nose and
throat, excessive sneezing and fluent coryza with a thin acrid discharge
are its indications. Dr. Blackley highly lauds this remedy in the
asthmatic breathing of hay fever, using the 3X or 4X potencies.
Sinapis nigra has been used successfully in hay fever; the membrane
of the nose is hot and dry, no discharge, worse afternoon and evening.
Chininum arsenicosum has also been highly praised in hay fever;
the 2X is recommended.
#Ambrosia artemisiaefolia. [Ambr]
This is the common ragweed and is useful in some cases of hay fever.
Millspaugh reports the cure of several cases. The writer has used
the remedy as a prophylactic with success in those cases appearing
at the time of the blooming of the ragweed and has prescribed it
with marked benefit in cases unquestionably due to the ragweed irritation.
It would probably be inefficacious in cases arising from the pollen
of the golden rod and daisy. There is no special indications, provings
have developed the characteristic symptoms of hay fever. Dickie
claims results little short of miraculous with this remedy.
#Sabadilla. [Sabd]
Of great use in hay fever with watery discharge, profuse coryza
and frontal pains. There is spasmodic and continual sneezing with
only slight catarrhal discharge. It will often cut short an attack,
but it will not always cure permanently as it is not deep action
enough. It should be used to this end in the higher potencies. Aralia
racemosa has been recommended but on somewhat insufficient testimony,
likewise Benzoic acid. Kali iodatum. Sneezing, " crying colds
"; the sneezing is incessant, the lachrymation is profuse and
the coryza is acrid. Ipecac. Sometimes useful in the sneezing stage,
but the more frequently in the asthmatic stage where the chest symptoms
will indicate.
#Naphthalin. [Naph]
Lippincott claims this remedy to be applicable to more cases of
hay fever,and that better results are obtained from it than from
any other drug, and he claims also prophylactic power from its use
in the 3x or 2x triturations. A large number of observer bear out
this idea. Dr. Laird, of Utica, N.Y., says: " It almost never
fails." Its indications seem to be excoriating lachrymation
and coryza, swelling of eyelids and nose; it is more pronounced
in its action on the left side, and especially is it useful in those
experiencing asthmatic symptoms. Dr. Perry Dickie obtained brilliant
results with this remedy. Sanguinaria has frequent sneezing and
is worse on the right side; it suits periodic coryzas. Sanguinaria
nitrate is also valuable and by some is considered first on the
list. Natrum muriaticum. Hay fever from suppressed intermittents;
craving for salt may be an indicating symptom.
#Ranunculus bulbosus. [Ran-b]
Among the less frequently used remedies is Ranunculus, it has smarting
in the eyes, pressure at the root, with tingling and crawling within
its cavity, hoarseness and muscular soreness. Silicea has itching
and tingling in the nose and posteriorly at orifice of Eustachian
tubes, with violent sneezing and excoriating discharge, also Rosa
Damascena. Allium cepa. Itching of the nose and eyes. Nose stuffed
up, profuse acrid watery discharges. Arum triphyllum. Hay fever
with terrific pain over root of nose, nose and throat raw with frequent
sneezing. Mercurius protoiodide is very often suitable to the conditions
that predispose to hay fever. Psorinum 30, says Clarke, will cure a large number of cases where there is
great sensitiveness to cold. Psoric or neuroarthritic soil indicates
the remedy completely. Pothos foetida and Cyclamen have excessive attacks
of sneezing. Chromico-Kali sulphuricum 3X has been used successfully
in this disease by a number of our European confreres. |