Note: Homeopathic Treatment requires strict individualization. Please do not take any medicine without consulting your physician/homeopath.
Gonorrhoea is a venereal disease caused by the bacteria
Neisseria gonorrhoeae. The disease most frequently affects 15-25-year-olds,
although the number of cases has fallen in recent years. Gonorrhoea
is mainly transmitted through sexual contact. However, mothers infected
with gonorrhoea can also transfer the disease to their children
during delivery. If untreated, such children may develop a serious
inflammation of the eyes, which can result in blindness.
What are the symptoms of gonorrhoea?
Of those infected, approximately half the women and a third of
the men do not show any symptoms.
In men, the primary symptom is painful urination. Levels of pain
can often be extremely severe. Discharge is also seen from the urethra
(the tube through which urine passes from the body). At first, this
discharge is slimy and of limited quantity but it quickly develops
into a more substantial yellowish substance.
Homosexual men can develop gonorrhoea in the rectum. This varies
from being symptom-free to involving the painful discharge of bloody
pus from the rectum. In women, the symptoms tend to be more limited,
normally consisting of painful urination and an increasing amount
of discharge from the vagina.
In both sexes, a throat infection can occur as a result of oral
sex with an infected partner. In most cases there are no further
symptoms but sometimes a sore throat is accompanied by fever.
Homeopathic Treatment & Medicines for Gonorrhoea
#Aconite. [Acon]
Corresponds to the acute stage where the urine is hot and burning,
scanty and passed with difficulty. In this stage it is very efficacious
in allaying the first symptoms of inflammation and discharge such
as dryness, crawling sensation in the urethra, meatus red and swollen
and the mentally anxiety often present in this disease. The discharge
has as yet no color. It is also a most useful remedy in chordee.
The writer has successfully used Aconitine in the inflammatory stages
of urethritis, but cannot recommend it as being superior to Aconite.
Gelsemium is another remedy to be used in the beginning or the inflammatory
stage of gonorrhoea. It is almost the opposite of Aconite. With
this remedy there is great urethral soreness burning along the urethra
and slight discharge. It is also a useful remedy in epididymitis
and gonorrhoeal rheumatism. Atropine 6X has been recommended as
one of the best remedies for the acute symptoms of gonorrhoeal urthritis.
An extensive experience has convinced the writer that the homoeopathic
remedy in the initial stage of gonorrhoea is far more potent as
a modifying and curative measure than a chase after the gonococci
with alleged germicidal injections.
#Cannabis sativa. [Cann-s]
This is the favorite remedy of the homoeopathic school, though there
is much difference of opinion as to its real value. It comes in
after Aconite when the disease has localized itself as is shown
in the patient discharge, the great burning and tenderness on urinating.
The glans penis is dark red and swollen chordee is most likely present
and what is still more painful, a spasmodic contraction of the sphincter
vesicae on urinating. Berjeau considered this remedy valueless in
gonorrhoea, but later authorities have found it to be a most useful
and important remedy when properly prescribed. Formerly it was the
custom to prescribe the remedy in the tincture , and it will be
found that those who condemn the remedy and become disgusted with
the homoeopathic treatment of gonorrhoea are those who do not treat
the disease homoeopathically. The dose here has a great deal to
do with the homoeopathicity of the treatment, it not being the physiological
action of the remedy that we seek, but the homoeopathic action.
Therefore as the remedy in the tincture has produced symptoms similar
to urethritis, to get a curative effect it must be given in a much
smaller dose. Frost recommends this remedy in the 3 to 6 potencies
and many others have verified the correctness of his observation.
Given in these doses when properly indicated, it will be found to
greatly modify the pain and discharge. It must be borne in mind
that cases requiring this remedy have less profuse discharge than
those requiring Argentum nitricum. Petroselinum. Useful in cases
where there is a sudden desire to urinate and the pain is referable
to the root of the penis. There is intense itching in the urethra
as if it must be rubbed. Cannabis Indica is a most useful remedy
where the chordee is marked and there are painful erections and
#Pulsatilla. [Puls]
Ripe gonorrhoeas without much pain, but with a thick muco-purulent
discharge which is yellow or yellowish green, call for Pulsatilla.
There is some pain in the loins going from side to side. It is valuable
remedy when the discharge becomes suppressed and orchitis results;
here it will often establish the flow and reduce the swelling of
the testicle. Argentum nitricum. This remedy has thick yellow purulent
discharge, soreness and swelling of the urethra and sexual dreams
with emissions. It is also useful for chordee when the urethra seems
drawn up into knots worse at night.
#Mercurius. [Merc]
Bayes states that for the first stage of an uncomplicated gonorrhoea
there is no better simile, no better or more efficient remedy than
Mercurius solubilis. It is a most useful remedy for inflammatory
symptoms such as chordee, and especially paraphymosis, phymosis
and inflamed prepuce. The discharge is greenish. Mercurius corrsivus
is similar here; the discharge is green and purulent, worse at night,
the meatus is red and there is violent tenesmus of the bladder.
#Cantharis. [Canth]
Intense sexual excitement marks this remedy; an intense irritation
with persistent erections which prevent urination; the pains are
burning and excoriating , the discharge is purulent and especially
bloody. It is our best remedy when the disease has been sent to
the bladder by injections. Violent and persistent tenesmus is a
keynote. Capsicum. Gonorrhoea in fat persons who are indolent and
lax in fibre, with fine stinging pains in the meatus urinarius.
#Copaiba. [Cop]
Burning in the neck of the bladder and urethra, great dysuria, constant
desire to urinate, and the urine smells of violets. Haematuria.
Discharge yellowish, purulent, corrosive and milky. If the trouble
be accompanied by nettle rash the remedy is well indicated. Cubeba.
Cutting and constricting after urination; the patient urinates every
ten or fifteen minutes. Smarting tenesmus, ropy discharge, inflamed
prostate and violet smelling urine are also symptoms of Cubeba.
#Thuja. [Thuj]
This is a most valuable remedy in lingering cases with prostatic
complications; and in cases of continued or oft repeated attacks
of gonorrhoea, or in cases of gonorrhoea suppressed by injections.
Here the trouble becomes complicated with orchitis or rheumatism,
and there are apt to be fig warts or condylomata showing the sycotic
dyscrasia to which Thuja is particularly applicable. There is with
this remedy a constant desire to urinate and the urine scalds; there
is also a thin greenish discharge. Digitalis. Burning in the urethra,
purulent bright yellow discharge and inflammation of the glans penis.
Natrum sulphuricum is also remedy for sycosis, condylomata , etc.
#Sepia. [Sep]
Hughes finds this remedy the best one for gonorrhoea in women after
the acute symptoms have subsided, and Raue finds it very frequently
indicated. Tussilago has a brilliant clinical record in gonorrhoea,
but there are no characteristic indications. Agnus castus. Also
of use after the acute symptoms have subsided ; it is marked, in
contra-distinction to Cantharis, by absence of sexual desire and
a yellow purulent discharge.
This remedy will generally have to be used in cases of a scrofulous
or psoric taint; here again the patient must be prescribed for,
though the remedy has some local symptoms, such as burning and smarting
during urination and phymosis which might lead to its use. Kafka
recommends it at once, claiming that when used the disease never
reaches a high degree of violence. |