Note: Homeopathic Treatment requires strict individualization. Please do not take any medicine without consulting your physician/homeopath.
Erysipelas is a form of cellulitis, a bacterial
infection affecting the most superficial layers of the skin. It
particularly affects infants and the elderly, but can affect any
age group. Almost all erysipelas is caused by Group A beta haemolytic
streptococci (Streptococcus pyogenes).
Symptoms include - Face -- red, usually glossy appearance; swollen,
hot, may or may not have blisters. Pain . Fever. Chills. Feel ill.
Homeopathic Medicines & Treatment for Erysipelas & Cellulitis
#Belladonna. [Bell]
Belladonna is perhaps more frequently indicated in commencing erysipelas
than any other remedy and it is often specific. True, Aconite should
rather be the remedy,but the Aconite stage is passed when the physician
is called, for this remedy corresponds only to the marked febrile
symptoms of asthenic cases. The erysipelas corresponding to Belladonna
is of the smooth variety; the skin is shining and tense and dark
red or bright red, the swelling is rapid and there are sharp, lancinating
pains or throbbing in the parts. Accompanying this condition there
is throbbing headache, fever perhaps delirium, swollen glands and
tenseness of the parts. It may occur on the scalp, face, or, in
fact, anywhere, and there is great heat of the parts. Atropine 3
is recommended by Kafka if Belladonna fails in this condition. Stramonium.
Adynamia with brain symptoms.
#Rhus tox. [Rhus-t]
This remedy corresponds to the vesicular variety; the skin is dark,
covered with vesicles. It is especially adapted to erysipelas attacking
the scalp, skin of face, or genital organs. It has shivering followed
by high fever; there is intense headache. The cause of the trouble
calling for Rhus may be exposure to cold or getting wet. It is also
a remedy for the graver forms which show a typhoid tendency and
go on to suppuration, the pus being thin, ill conditioned and offensive.
A further indication for Rhus is the aching of the limbs accompanying
an attack,as well as the intense itching and burning. Arnica.
Phlegmonous erysipelas, with tenderness and pain on pressure, and
lameness. This condition is sometimes produced by lotions of Arnica,
when Camphor will be the antidote. Calendula is a valuable topical
application in phlegmonous erysipelas.
#Apis mellifica. [Apis]
The erysipelas of this remedy is of a rosy pink hue at first, later
becoming livid and purple as the oedema which is characteristic
of the drug appears. The oedema appears quickly and the parts feel
sore and bruised. It is especially indicated where the disease spreads
from a hard centre. It stands between Belladonna and Rhus, but it
does not control the intense inflammation as well as Belladonna
or the tendency to form vesicles as Rhus. Bojanus recommended it
in traumatic erysipelas. Umbilical erysipelas in children, stinging
pains, urine suppressed and no thirst. There is a tendency for the
Apis erysipelas to extend into the tissues, but the remedy requires
the pressure of oedema to be well indicated. It has even more swelling
than Rhus. Cantharis. Erysipelas with formation of large vesicles;
these break and discharge of the nose and spreading. There are fine
stinging, burning pains and thirst. The urinary symptoms of the
drug may or may not be present. Euphorbium. Large yellow vesicles form; the fever is violent. It is excellent
in erysipelas of the head and face, with boring and digging pains
and these large vesicles.
#Lachesis. [Lach]
Erysipelas commencing on the left side and spreading to the right,
at first bright red, then dark bluish or purplish. The cellular
tissues are especially involved and infiltrated. The patient is
drowsy, has a delirium which is perhaps loquacious and the parts
affected threaten gangrene. Stramonium.
Useful in the brain complications with violent delirium. Arsenicum.
Useful in sudden attacks, rapid course and profound constitutional
symptoms, oedema, restlessness vomiting, diarrhoea. Migrating erysipelas. Sulphur. Protracted migrating erysipelas.
"Boiled lobster appearance." It is very useful remedy
to interpolate in many cases. Veratrum viride.
A fine remedy in the first stage of phlegmonous erysipelas for the
intense inflammation.
#Graphites. [Graph]
Goodno lauds Graphites as the best remedy in erysipelas. It seems
to correspond, however, to the repeated and chronic form occurring
about the nose and face and is especially useful after Iodine has
been applied externally to the detriment of the case, as it always
is. Another indications for Graphites is found in the ease with
which an attack is brought on; the slightest irritation to the skin
brings on an attack. Recurring cases. No local applications are
ever necessary in treating erysipelas, and they frequently cause
complication and danger. |