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Calorie Chart First Aid
Offers information about the calories burned in your daily routine work. Covers your Gym activities, Training and sports activities, Outdoor activities, Home and daily life activities, home repair and occupational activities...
More about Calorie Chart.
ARNICA is mentioned first because it is a medicine par excellence for the shock or trauma of any injury. It is necessary to treat an injured person for shock first unless the injury is very mild or unless the person is bleeding so profusely that stopping the bleeding should be attended to immediately....
More about Homeopathic First Aid.
Homeopathic Pediatrics Women's Health
Earlier in this century meningitis was fatal 95% of the time in children who contracted it. Now, because of the use of antibiotics, 95% of the children who get it survive. The number of infants dying in the first two years of life has also dramatically declined, once again primarily because of the use of conventional medicines...
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Another extremely common condition for which Homeopathic medicines seem to work wonders is cystitis (bladder infection). While professional Homeopathic care and/or medical attention should be sought to treat recurring bladder symptoms and for severe symptoms, an individually chosen Homeopathic medicine can alleviate the pain and discomfort of most acute conditions before the woman reaches the doctor's office...
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Men's Health Problems Daily Health Task List
The health of the male reproductive system is a reflection of overall well-being as well as sexual habits. We cover common menĂ­s health concerns, including sexually transmitted diseases, urethritis, prostate problems, irritation of the foreskin, and less common serious problems of the testicles...
More about Men's Health.
Just like brushing your teeth, healthy habits should be cultivated on a daily basis.
1.Activity should be a daily occurrence. Walk, run or jump for a minimum total of 20 minutes a day...
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Homeopathic First Aid Kit

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Medicine Of The Day

Latin Name:
Kali Sulphuricum

Common Name:
potassium sulfate

Used for respiratory infections which create chronic nasal discharge, sinusitis, and ear infection (Ullman Discovering 131).

Health Tip of the Day

Treatment of symptoms does not cure a disease.

Health Quote of the Day

He is a heavy eater of beef. Methinks it doth harm to his wit."
- Wm Shakespeare

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