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Homeopathic Home » Information on Diseases » Gangrene

Note: Homeopathic Treatment requires strict individualization. Please do not take any medicine without consulting your physician/homeopath.

Gangrene is the death of an area of the body usually due to loss of blood supply. Gangrene can be caused from a bacterial infection that has not been treated; this is wet gangrene. Or, gangrene can be caused by a decrease in blood flow to an area of the body where the tissue in this part of the body has been injured or diseased; this is dry gangrene.

Homeopathic Medicines & Treatment for Gangrene

#Arsenicum. [Ars]
Dry gangrene in old people, soreness and burning relieved by warmth, restlessness. It is often indicated in gangrene of the lungs. Secale is aggravated by warmth, thus differing from Arsenicum. Arsenicum has a foetid diarrhoea, great weakness, emaciation, and coldness and heat alternately. Lachesis. Traumatic gangrene. Franklin recommends this remedy highly in gangrene following wounds, saying that it is eminently curative of gangrenous affections. Crotalus has hot, bluish, moist gangrene, the limb being covered with black blisters and much swollen, emitting a foul odor.

#Secale [Sec]
corresponds to senile gangrene with tingling and formication. Dry gangrene of toes; a number of cases of cure of this condition by Secale are on record. The skin in wrinkled and dry, shrivelled and cold, no sensibility, black and free from foetor. Large ecchymoses and blood blisters, which become gangrenous, will indicate the remedy.

#Carbo vegetabilis. [Carb-v]
Carbuncles and boils, becoming gangrenous. There is no restlessness, as in Arsenicum, but the parts have a livid purple look, and they are icy cold. It also suits moist gangrenous in cachectic persons whose vitality is weak. The secretions are foul and there is great prostration. Arnica may be useful in gangrene following contusions.

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